Today the starting of the random drive is modified al little bit. Now it does not starts after a certain time, but after a certain amount of receiving non-valid coordinates.
Furthermore, most of the implementation problems are gone now. Random drive starts and drives smoothly together with edge avoidance. Also, when a lake is found, it drives towards the lake and measures it.
The lake avoidance is new: after RCX 1 receives the temperature from RCX 2, it starts to drive back and turn and remebers that it already measured one lake. Then the random drive or cliff detection can take over again. The problem we have now, is that after measuring a lake, when the robot is in random drive mode and tries to avoid an edge, the program crashes and the whole RCX block must be updated again.
This is probably due to using to much resources of the bricks memory/cpu, because the problem does not occur before a lake is measured.
It is very hard to find the problem and make sure that it will not happen again, but when this problem is finished, the core program with the core elements is finished and the improvement of minor things, the testing and debugging can start.
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